One of the nice things about thinking back to my childhood is that there are very few things I regret. Sure, I guess it would have been nice to have a pony, but since I was lucky enough to have the basics like food, clothes and parents who seemed to like me well enough, I really have nothing to complain about. See? I’m just a glass-half-full kinda guy.
That said however, I’m pretty sure it would have been a lot cooler to grow up with a posse in tow whose sole purpose would be to cheer and applaud my every move…. like Run’s kids have. How do I know this? Well, at the moment I’m at a skatepark called Dropin with my older boy and the place is crawling with cameras and production people shooting a segment for Run’s House in which his kids are kick-flipping and grinding the afternoon away.
Anyway, the point is that it’s just a little odd watching a pair of otherwise perfectly nice little kids being followed around by a production crew that seems to have only two purposes in life: filming everything they do and then clapping and cheering as if the emperor really does have clothes. Well, either way it sure looks like more fun than having a pony.