Joseph Kennedy, as the story goes, realized it was time to get out of the market when he got a stock tip from a shoe shine boy in 1929. When I originally heard the tale it was Rockefeller Jr. that received that tip rather than Old Joe, but the moral remains the same: Once everyone’s in the pool, you know it’s time to towel off and go hit the bar before somebody poops it all up.
Anyway, there’s a lot of grumbling to that effect in the twitter-verse these days; and although opinion varies about who the ultimate culprit is, (Britney, Rep. Joe Barton et al, Hilton, Kutcher, Oprah…) there’s certainly a consensus among the cool kids that twitter has jumped the shark. In response, a lot of them seem to be following a sort of 21st century manifest destiny by moseying along to Friendfeed where they can graze the wide open spaces of social media undisturbed by those all those pesky celebrities, noobs and posers. Or so I’m told.
At any rate, in the face of these shifting social sands I’m still holding fast to my status as a Twitter luddite, and as such I would point out that just last night I had a fine time following an exchange between Adam Savage and John Hodgman regarding whether or not it might be possible to pee straight through one’s khakis. It was actually pretty funny. Really.
So you crazy kids can have your Friendfeeds and Jaikus and Delicious-es and Flikrs and Linkedins; I’m just fine hanging out with the 2008-set, thank you very much. (And no, we don’t even mind the Fail Whale too much either, so there.)
I think I'm just too lazy to figure out how I can really use Twitter. I do the occasional tweet, but that's about as far as I go. I'm jealous of all you guys that live by it. It's like a secret club or something. I'm standing outside your clubhouse door wanting to come in, but I'm afraid of making myself look stupid. ;)
@Super Mega Dad: Ah, but but it must be good for you if the Omnipotent Oprah has deigned to participate...
Actually it is kind of like crack; consider yourself lucky to not have this particular social monkey on your back...
With Twitter, Blogging, Facebook, Linkedin, email and everything else, who has the time to keep up? I think you might be on the right path. Just pick one and be good (or at least competent) with it...
@Mike, Yeah, starting to get just a tad burned out with this that and all the other writing; better than the alternative tho...
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